Comfort made organically
- 100 day sleep trial.
- Free Shipping/Returns ( after at least one comfort layer exchange, at our expense).
- No restocking fee.
- GOLS certified organic Dunlop latex.
- Certified organic wool
- Certified Organic Cotton
- Nothing else added: no flame retardants, chemicals, or toxins.

All pillow tops are completely removable. Freshen your mattresses by hanging them outside in direct sunlight.
Organic mattress construction first began in 1999. Today many customers are rightfully fearful of purchasing a new mattress. Testing a mattress in a showroom is not enough. You actually need to sleep on it for a few weeks to see how your body responds to it. Our unique layer construction allows you the freedom to exchange layers for different densities for up to 100 days to find your own perfect "princess on the pea" combination. Our consultants are skilled at helping customers select the best firmness for them based on their body weight, personal needs, and preferences.
Organic mattresses are available in many different densities and sizes including custom sizes. We also offer split-firmness mattress where one half is one density and the other side is another density. Our mattresses are warranted for 20 years.

Organic Mattress Case Construction:
Certified Organic Mattress Ticking
4" of Certified Organic Wool Batting quilted down to 2" (3.8oz/sqft)
Domestic Certified Organic Cotton Lining

The core component of our organic mattress is certified organic Dunlop latex, made from the sap of the rubber tree. We use layers of different hardness Natural Sense to create personalized comfort. Natural Sense latex properly supports and contours to your body, reducing pressure points and increasing circulation. This helps to eliminate back pain. The softer the layers and the heavier the customer, the thicker the mattress needs to be to prevent bottoming out. Inversely, the firmer the mattress the thinner it can be without bottoming out or affecting the comfort. Natural Sense is naturally resistant to dust mites, bacteria, mildew, and mold. Raw Natural Sense latex has naturally occurring flaws that include small tears, air pockets, patches, and changing surface textures.

Do I need a box spring or can I use my organic mattress on solid wood base?
While we offer box springs, if your existing box spring is fine, you can use it. Firmly press it where your hips rest to ensure it is not sagging. You may use our organic mattress on a slatted platform bed. Slats approximately 3" wide and spaced 2- 3" apart is optimum. You should not use it on a solid wood foundation, the floor, or with wider slats as these may also cause the bottom of the organic cotton mattress case to mold. We do not warranty any molding mattress issues ever so check the bottom of your mattress once a week.
To begin shopping, simply choose the size of mattress you are interested in and the density you feel is most appropriate...

Easiest way for you to move your Organic Mattress:
These organic mattresses are very heavy to move. There is an easier way to move them: All our organic mattresses have a removable top. Unzip the casing and remove the top and unzip the inner casing. Roll up each layer of Natural Sense foam without removing it from the case. For Queen and king size, first fold layer in half before rolling. Wrap rolled layer with plastic Renolds wrap/Saran wrap/pallet wrap completely end to end to keep them clean. Do this with the other layers. Put cases into a plastic garbage bag.
Organic Mattress Care and Maintenance:
Always use an organic mattress pad beneath your sheets to protect your natural mattress from spills. Spot clean any stains on your organic mattress bed with mild soap and water. Do not wash organic casings; they may shrink or become damaged. Should your organic mattress bed become wet, remove outer and inner covers from Natural Sense foam and hang them outside in the sun to dry and freshen. Allow foam to be exposed to air but not sunlight. It is fine to get foam wet and wash with soap. It will take some days for foam in your natural mattress to dry.
Periodically, remove wool top and shake out and air out in direct sunlight.
More info about the Natural Sense Core
The manufacturing process used to produce Natural Sense is called Dunlop. There is another process out there called Talalay. While both processes can produce excellent rubber, the Talalay process is more time consuming and expensive. It involves freezing the sap and air bubbles to stabilize its components. This produces a more even and airy cell structure that some argue creates better foam. (However, our experience shows us it is not. More air means less foam and less durability and, consequently, we have had many warranty claims from Talalay breaking down, and none from our Natural Sense.) Side by side comparison while lying on each reveals there is little to no difference. For the case we quilt 4" of certified organic wool into a pillow top. Organic wool acts like a natural temperature regulator, wicking away moisture and heat, keeping you cool in the summer and warm in the winter.
You should be aware that a lot of companies offering Dunlop or Talalay processed natural mattresses are selling a blend of synthetic and natural ingredients, and state laws allow them to be called 'natural'. Without a certificate you just don't know. The synthetic parts are petroleum based and usually make up 55% - 70% of the product. Our Natural Sense foam is certified 100% natural tree sap, period.
After 30 years, the rubber tree's sap producing life span, the trees are harvested for their wood and turned into furniture. Saplings are then planted in their place and this cycle is repeated.